A look back at my internship with the KCA hero image

A look back at my internship with the KCA

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Sep . 24 . 2020
Erin Wetmore

As the KCA’s communications intern, I’ve gotten the chance to learn, grow, and connect to others. I’ve been able to discover how nonprofits work and learn from coworkers who are extremely passionate about what they do. My six-month internship is winding down and it’s a great opportunity to look back at the last half year. 

I have gotten the chance to interview people impacted by kidney cancer, including patients and family members, and have been honored to share their stories. Each one was inspiring and taught me how to have a different outlook on life. To Brian, Craig, Matty, Michele, and Chapmann: thank you for sharing your kidney cancer experiences. 

As the uncertainty of COVID-19 hit, I worked on a project called “Tell Us…”. I scanned our online communities – Facebook, Instagram, Inspire, etc – to see what people with kidney cancer wanted to know about the novel virus and the pandemic. Those questions evolved into an Ask the Experts page, a resource for more information about COVID-19 directly from kidney cancer experts. We also created graphics to share those questions and answers on our social channels:

Another experience that will stick with me is speaking with clinicians and researchers from around the world who are extremely passionate about the kidney cancer community. In discovering and connecting with KCA grant recipients since 1995, I got to learn more about projects that furthered kidney cancer research and saw how the KCA has played a huge role in this over the last 30 years. Here are a few of those: Dr. Pavlos Msaouel, Dr. Pooja Ghatalia, Dr. Raj Gopal, Dr. Thai Ho, and Dr. Xiao Wei.

The last couple of months have been a great opportunity for me to strengthen my skills and learn something new every day. I’ve loved being part of the KCA and creating projects to support their mission. 

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