Kidneys & Kidney Cancer Basics

The kidneys are bean-shaped organs in your lower back that are part of the urinary system. They remove extra water and waste from your blood. They keep a balance of fluids and electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium. Kidneys also create hormones that help with different functions in the body like controlling blood pressure and creating red blood cells.

An illustration of the human body and where the kidneys are located. Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs in your lower back.
Your kidneys are bean-shaped organs in your lower back.

Kidney cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the kidneys. Kidney cancer happens when cells in one or both kidneys grow out of control and form a tumor. Kidney cancer may also be called “renal cancer.”

Image showing how kidney cancer happens when cells in one or both kidneys grow out of control and form a tumor. This graphic details the cell mutation process.
Kidney cancer happens when cells in one or both kidneys grow out of control and form a tumor

Kidney cancer can spread from the original tumor to other parts of the body. Cancer cells can travel through your blood or lymphatic system (part of your immune system) to a different area in your body and form another tumor. When cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it’s called metastasis. Kidney cancer is most likely to spread to nearby lymph nodes and distant organs like the liver, lungs, bones, and brain.

Image on how kidney cancer can spread from the original tumor in the kidney to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, bones, lymph nodes, and brain.
Kidney cancer can spread from the original tumor in the kidney to other parts of the body, such as the liver, lungs, bones, lymph nodes, and brain.


Information on this page last reviewed: January, 2025

Keep Learning:

The Kidney Cancer Association provides educational literature for anyone impacted by kidney cancer.